About Us
RAFFLES DIGITAL LTD, company with share capital of 1 pound in England and Wales
128 City Road, London EC1V 2NX, United Kingdom
Company Number : 15474906
RAFFLES DIGITAL LTD, company with share capital of 1 pound in England and Wales
128 City Road, London EC1V 2NX, United Kingdom
Company Number : 15474906
Kamatera VPSServer.com
315 Madison Ave, New York City, New York, 10017, United States
Any information on our company, on any nature, available on the Internet outside of our own website, would have been displayed without our consent and would not engage our responsibility.
Using our rights without our consent is susceptible of prosecution.
According to the UK Data Protection Act 2018 and the European GDPR, any consumer (e.g. physical person) has the right to access, modify and delete information on themselves.
We do not share any information on consumers with any other companies, except if needed by our technical needs.
Images displayed on our website were obtained legally and we dispose of every licences needed from banks of images such as Shutterstock or Fotolia.